date open / start area




16:00 / 18:00 Tokyo

Tokyo Dome



14:00 / 16:00


  • Reserved seat


  • アップグレードシート


    • *Guaranteed arena seating and sound check event
    • ※指定席 13,200円(税込)からのアップグレードとなり、アップグレード抽選受付でお申し込み・ご当選された場合、1枚につき差額代金を頂戴いたします。アップグレード抽選受付の詳細は後日お知らせいたします。
    • * A separate ticket agency fee will be charged.
    • *3 years old and over pay, no admission under 3 years old
    • * Up to 4 tickets can be applied for per performance per person.
  • Reception period


  • Winner announcement


  • deposit period


  • Eligible applicants

    【申込者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方 or 2019年12月〜継続中の月会員の方
  • Purchase quantity limit


  • 各種お問い合わせ

    営業時間 平日11:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00


  • *Tickets will be issued via the "JO1 OFFICIAL APP." The official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • *Those who will be joining or changing to the JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course can also apply.
  • * If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course within the same month, the membership fee for both courses will be incurred only in the first month.
  • ※アップグレードシートはご購入いただいた公演・枚数でのお申し込みのみ有効となります。一部の枚数のみをアップグレードすることはできませんのでご注意ください。
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.
JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB member precedence
  • Reception period


  • Winner announcement


  • deposit period


  • Eligible applicants

    【申込者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
  • Purchase quantity limit


  • 各種お問い合わせ

    営業時間 平日11:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00


  • *Tickets will be issued via the "JO1 OFFICIAL APP." The official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • *Those who are planning to join the JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB in the future can also apply.
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.
JO1 Mail members first
  • *Tickets will be issued via the "JO1 OFFICIAL APP." The official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • *Those who are about to register for JO1 Mail can also apply.
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.
  • Reception period

    Coming soon

  • Winner announcement

    Coming soon

  • deposit period

    Coming soon

  • Eligible applicants

    【申込者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方 or 2019年12月〜継続中の月会員の方
    【同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方 or 2019年12月〜継続中の月会員の方
  • Purchase quantity limit


  • 各種お問い合わせ

    営業時間 平日11:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00


  • ※アップグレードシートはJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 最速先行で指定席に当選・ご入金された方を対象に、アップグレード抽選受付を実施いたします。
  • ※アップグレードシートは本公演のほか、公演前のサウンドチェックイベントにご参加いただける座席であり、サウンドチェックイベントから本公演まで専用アリーナエリア内の同じお席でご観覧いただけます。
  • ※アップグレードシートにご当選された場合、指定席からの差額をお支払いいただきます。
  • ※アップグレード抽選受付へのお申込みは、指定席に当選・ご入金された同一の公演、枚数でのみ有効になります。各受付お申込み終了後のキャンセル・変更は一切できません。
  • ※お申込者様の情報も、指定席に当選・ご入金されたものと同じ内容でのお申込みが必要です。変更されたり、異なる情報を登録された場合は、無効になりますのでご注意ください。
  • *Tickets will be issued via the "JO1 OFFICIAL APP." The official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • ※本受付へのお申し込み時には、申込者様/同行者様ともにJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員 or 2019年12月〜継続中の月会員である必要がございます。
  • ※同行者の方もお申し込み時にJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコースにご入会・コース変更された場合はお申し込み可能です。
  • * If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course within the same month, the membership fee for both courses will be incurred only in the first month.
  • ※申込者様が条件を満たしていても、同行者様が条件を満たしていない場合、お申し込みは無効となります。
  • ※アップグレードシートの場所等、座席に関するお問い合わせには一切お答えできません。
  • ※すでにご登録済みの方は再登録の必要はございません。登録状況はマイページで確認できます。
  • ※購入者のお名前と顔写真が表示された電子チケット及び主催者指定の身分証明書のご提示にて、来場者様全員のご本人様確認をさせていただきます。ご本人様確認が取れなかった方は、ご入場をお断りさせていただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.


Notes on ticket sales
About application
  • The application conditions differ for each advance sale. Please be sure to check the application conditions before applying.
  • お申し込みはそれぞれの先行につき、「お一人さま各公演1回のみ。1公演につき4枚まで。」となります。各公演にそれぞれ1回ずつエントリー可能となります。
  • 本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、2枚以上申込の場合、同行者の方には必ずチケットを分配してください。お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • Please prepare a smartphone that is suitable for the recommended environment of "JO1 APP" for accompanying people.
  • 同一日時公演の重複当選はありません。
  • Duplicate applications for the same performance may be invalid.
  • Even if multiple tickets are won/purchased, we will refuse admission to anyone other than the person (name displayed on the ticket). In addition, information change, ticket cancellation, refund, refund, etc. are not possible at all.
  • The name of the applicant/accompanying person (the name registered in the fan club or the name registered in Plus member ID) will be displayed on the ticket. When applying, please be sure to apply under the name of the visitor.
  • We do not accept name changes after application. The name displayed on the ticket is the registration information linked to Plus member ID at the time of application. It is strictly prohibited to transfer even between family members or friends. No changes will be accepted for any reason, so please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • If illegal trading is discovered, we will refuse admission. In that case, we will not be able to refund the ticket or bear the transportation expenses.
  • Application for overseas residents
  • If you are an overseas member, please apply from [For Overseas Members] displayed at the bottom of the reception page.
  • E-tickets can be used on smartphones overseas. The phone number you enter on the application screen can be an overseas phone number.
    *If you are unable to receive your e-ticket even on the ticket collection start date, please contact Ticket Plaza customer support.
  • If you live overseas and do not have a Japanese mobile phone number, you can use your overseas smartphone, but the SMS function is required.
  • Ticket-Pla Trade is a service for Japan only, and those who do not have a domestic account cannot exhibit. Please note.
  • About electronic tickets
  • 本公演のチケットは、「JO1 APP」を利用し電子チケットにて発券します。
  • 電子チケットのお受け取りは、公演日の約1週間前を予定しております。詳しくは各受付ページをご確認ください。(座席の表示は公演日当日を予定しております。)
  • 18歳以下の同行者の方がスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合、同行者のチケットはお申込みの端末にまとめて表示され、申込者と同時入場となります。当日本人確認を実施する場合がございますので、有効な身分証をお持ちください。
  • 未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、受取をお済ませください。
  • If you cannot participate due to unavoidable reasons, please use the official trade.
  • Admission method/personal identification
  • ご来場の際、申込者様はチケット券面に記載のあるお名前の本人確認ができる「有効な身分証*」を必ず持参してください。
  • The ticket will show the name registered in Plus member ID at the time of application. Only the person registered with Plus member ID at the time of application can enter. No changes will be accepted for any reason. Please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • The registered name cannot be changed. If the surname registered for each OFFICIAL FANCLUB changes due to various circumstances, please contact FANCLUB with the details. *On the day of the performance, please prepare an ID with your new surname on it.
  • Other notes
  • All ticket advances will be a lottery. It is not on a first-come-first-served basis, so please check the precautions regarding the performance during the reception period and apply so that there are no mistakes. After the reception is closed, a fair lottery will be held from among all applicants and the winner will be determined.
  • Immediately after the start of reception and near the end of reception, it may be difficult to connect due to the concentration of access. Please allow enough time to complete the application procedure.
  • 各種先行は一般発売に先駆けてチケット予約受付を行うものです。予約数には限りがあり全て抽選となるため、ご当選や良席をお約束するものではございませんので予めご了承ください。
  • We cannot answer any inquiries/requests regarding seats.
  • We may ask you to provide your emergency contact information when purchasing tickets or visiting the venue.
  • Please note that we may provide necessary information upon request from government agencies, local governments, etc. regarding your personal information. The information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than the purposes described above.
  • No cancellations/changes/refunds can be made after purchasing tickets for any reason whatsoever. As an exception, we may inform you of a refund if the performance is cancelled.
  • We will provide a special area for wheelchair users. If you would like to use a wheelchair, please purchase a ticket for a reserved seat and be sure to contact the performance inquiry number at least 5 days before the performance. Please note that wheelchair seats are limited.
  • Other notes
    About resale/transfer
  • Any act of reselling tickets purchased at this reception to a third party for any reason is strictly prohibited. The act of providing/transferring to a third party for resale is also prohibited. Purchase of tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited.
  • Resale includes listing at auctions, bidding, buying and selling on the Internet, buying and selling through ticket shops, purchase agents, scalpers and malicious third parties.
  • If we discover that the item has been exhibited at an auction or resold at a high price, we will refuse entry to the exhibitor and purchaser.
    In addition, if we can confirm the resale, etc., we may check the identity of the relevant seat on the day of the performance. If we cannot verify your identity, we may refuse your admission.
  • Tickets sold at the reception of this performance (entertainment tickets) are "specified event admission tickets" and cannot be transferred for a fee at a price exceeding the selling price of the promoter without permission from the organizer. increase.
  • The organizer will not be held responsible for any troubles caused by ticket resale or transfer.
  • Notes on performances
  • This performance will be held in accordance with the guidelines of the government and local governments. Please enjoy the performance by following the entrance and exit flow and viewing rules set by the organizer.
  • Performance dates, opening/starting times, performers, etc. are subject to change without notice.
  • In case of bad weather, the performance may be canceled or the contents may be changed. If the performance is held, we will not be able to refund even if you cannot attend due to natural disasters. Please note.
  • Please note that refunds cannot be made even if there is a change in the performance content or performers. In addition, transportation and accommodation expenses to the venue will be borne by each individual.
  • In the future, there is a possibility that the content of the information will change in accordance with the guidelines and guidelines indicated by the government and local governments.
  • If you are attending the event, please be sure to read the precautions on this page carefully and cooperate in observing them. Please also be sure to follow the precautions stated on each artist's official website and official fan club.
  • Those who violate the precautions set by the organizer or who do not comply may be refused entry or may be asked to leave.
    If you are a fan club member, you may be asked to withdraw from the fan club.
  • "Waiting for entry" and "Waiting for exit" of the performers are prohibited. Troublesome or dangerous behavior may lead to the cancellation of the performance. At the venue, we ask for your cooperation in guiding the staff.
  • IDs of visitors (applicants and accompanying persons) may be checked at the time of admission. If we cannot verify your identity, we will refuse your entry regardless of the reason. Please make sure to bring a valid ID.
  • Those who have lost or forgotten their tickets will not be allowed to enter for any reason. Please note that it cannot be reissued.
  • There are no cloakrooms in the venue where you can leave your luggage. Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. The organizer will not be held responsible for any damages such as theft or loss.
  • Supporting goods during the performance (OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK, fans, etc.) are prohibited from being too tall or large to interfere with the performance or other customers' viewing, as well as being a nuisance.
  • Detailed information on admission procedures on the day of the performance, as well as important notes and the latest information will be posted on this special website and our official social media accounts from time to time, so please be sure to read them before attending.
  • Regarding sound recording, video recording, and photography
  • Bringing photography/recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with a photography function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) into the venue, taking photographs with cameras, mobile phones, etc., filming video, recording audio, live streaming ( Acts such as live broadcast by audio and video) are absolutely prohibited to protect the rights of the artist.
  • Due to the frequent occurrence of spying and eavesdropping with smartphones/binoculars with shooting function, staff may check if the smartphone is out of the bag or pocket during the performance, or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars. Thank you. Please set your smartphone to silent mode and store it securely in your bag.
  • Please note that if someone is found taking pictures or being recorded, their equipment will be immediately confiscated and they will be sent off. The organizers and artists will not be held responsible for any accidents, thefts, etc. caused by not following the staff's instructions.
  • Please note that in this case as well, no refunds will be made for ticket prices, etc.
  • In order to maintain the order of the venue, we may record and photograph acts that interfere with the work of the venue staff. Please note.
  • On the day of the performance, a video and photo camera will be installed. Please note that the customer's appearance may be reflected.
  • Regarding fan letters/gifts/flowers
  • We do not accept gifts, congratulatory flowers, stand flowers, fan letters, etc. for the performers. Please note that if you arrive at the venue, we will refuse it.
  • Regarding support goods and volunteer projects
  • Please be aware that commercializing and selling/distributing to an unspecified number of people using materials other than JO1 support advertisements (photos released on the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, photos taken secretly at performances or other places where photography is not permitted, etc.) constitutes an infringement of JO1's portrait rights, regardless of whether the seller is making a profit or not. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in protecting the artist's portrait.
  • It is prohibited to bring support goods such as boards other than JO1 official goods.
  • However, the following items may be brought in even if they are not official merchandise.
    [Items you can bring with you]
    Slogan *Official fan size: Approx. H295 x H420 (mm)
    [Items that cannot be used or brought in]
    ■ Slogans using materials other than JO1 support advertisements (characters, photos released by the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, photos taken secretly in places where photography is not permitted, such as at performances, etc.), fans, boards, sketchbooks larger than the official size, other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.
  • When using cheering goods, please refrain from holding them above your chest.
  • When using fans, slogans, etc., it is prohibited to protrude from your seat. *Please note that the seat size may vary depending on the venue.
  • If the staff determines that it will interfere with the performance or cause trouble for other customers, we may refuse to use it.
  • Decorations on official goods are allowed as long as they fit within the size of each product.
  • Even if we receive a request for permission to execute a project by volunteers from our customers, we cannot intervene, cooperate, or support them.
  • It is prohibited to sell or distribute unofficial goods using JO1's portrait or name in the venue premises, nearby facilities and public places. In addition, such acts are not permitted at all.
  • In the unlikely event that unauthorized sales/distribution is discovered, the product will be confiscated and the person's identity will be confirmed. In the worst case, in order to prevent recurrence, we may inevitably take legal action against filming, recording, or recording without prior notice of the voyeur or eavesdropper as an illegal act. Please refrain from such actions.
    Also, unless the number of people who purchase such unofficial goods decreases, it will be difficult to reduce the unauthorized sale and distribution of unofficial goods. We kindly ask for your understanding that this is an act that violates the rights of the artist.
  • Requests at the venue
  • Please stand or sit in your seat during the performance. It is prohibited to leave your seat, run forward, lean forward, etc., and act in such a way that the distance between the customers on the front, back, left, and right becomes closer.
  • Inside and outside the venue, any crowding and trading of goods is prohibited.
  • If you feel unwell after entering the venue, please immediately notify a nearby staff member.
  • Please note that the staff will call out to visitors who appear to be unwell. In addition, we ask for your understanding that we may refuse entry depending on the situation.
  • Unnecessary movement or exchange of seats during the performance is prohibited, and please refrain from contact between visitors and lending and borrowing of items.
  • During the performance, eating and drinking other than for the purpose of hydration is prohibited. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted/drinking is prohibited.
  • Regarding the business of the shop, we will inform you at each venue.
  • Requests when entering
  • To prevent resale, tickets for this performance will be collected via the "JO1 OFFICIAL APP" and the purchaser's name will be displayed on the ticket.
  • スマートフォン未所持や登録不備等でチケットが表示できない場合は、理由を問わずご入場をお断りいたします。※18歳以下の同行者の方でスマートフォン未所持の方は除く。
  • No refunds will be given even if you are unable to enter.
  • We may check your identity on the day of the performance. Identity verification may be performed by both the applicant and the accompanying person. If we cannot verify your identity, or if fraudulent/reselling activities are discovered, we will refuse admission.
  • On the day of the performance, in order to improve the safety of the venue, there will be a bag inspection when entering the venue. Please note.
  • It is prohibited to bring electronic devices (cameras, binoculars with shooting function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) and dangerous items into the venue. We are unable to store luggage at the venue, so please store your luggage such as suitcases in a nearby coin locker in advance and compact your luggage before visiting.
  • If prohibited items are found, please follow the staff's instructions. You will be admitted as soon as it is confirmed that there are no prohibited items.
  • There is no temperature measurement at the entrance. Please take care of yourself.
  • After leaving the venue, please move quickly without staying around the venue.
  • Prohibited matter
  • Those who fall under the following may be refused admission.
  • Those who cannot follow the instructions and requests, and those who judge that it will interfere with ensuring safety. Also, if such an act is discovered during the performance, you will be asked to leave the venue.
  • Those who are under the influence of alcohol. If the staff judges you to be under the influence of alcohol, you will be refused entry. Drinking alcohol may raise your body temperature, so please refrain from drinking alcohol before your visit. Also, bringing in alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  • About merchandise sales
  • Regarding venue sales and EC sales of concert goods, we will inform you as soon as the details are decided.
  • When concert goods or other items are sold at the venue, we will provide separate information regarding the sales area.
  • Valid ID (all with photo/no copies/valid)
    Coming Soon