About membership
- QCan I register more than once?
- A
Only one name (one account) per person is allowed.
Please note that registration of multiple accounts is prohibited.
Duplicate registration, registration or application under the name of another person, anonymously, or under a pseudonym is strictly prohibited.
If it is discovered, we will suspend the membership service and cancel the membership registration.
Please note that the membership fee will not be refunded in that case.
Other questions about "Membership"
Please tell me how to join.
Can I register as a member with a name other than my real name?
I live overseas, can I join?
Are there email addresses that cannot be used for registration?
I have not received an email containing the URL for new member registration.
"The number of errors has reached the upper limit" is displayed and I cannot register as a member.
If the above example does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the form below.