About membership

Are there email addresses that cannot be used for registration?
The following cannot be used in principle because they do not comply with the RFC (Request for Comments), which is a globally common Internet communication standard.

▼E-mail address not compliant with RFC
1. When symbols other than "-", "_", ".", "+", "?", and "/" are included

2. When symbols are used consecutively for two or more characters

3. If the symbol is used at the beginning and end (just before @)

Four. If the part before @ is 64 characters or more

Five. If the entire email address is longer than 256 characters

If you are using an e-mail address that includes the relevant character string, please register again with a different e-mail address.

[AOL] [tac-net.ne.jp] [i-younet.ne.jp] email addresses cannot be registered due to the special environment.

If you do not have an e-mail address, please obtain a free e-mail address such as Gmail or Yahoo.

Other questions about "Membership"


If the above example does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the form below.

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