impact performance, so it will be impossible to put all their performances on air!! JO1 members will fight fiercely for a spot on terrestrial airwaves! After the broadcast, we will distribute unpublished videos that were shot too much, only on TVer and FOD. Be sure to check out Tresugi JO1. Here are the comments from JO1 members who are in the midst of meeting with the program side ahead of the recording: SHOSEI OHIRA "First of all, I am honestly overjoyed that JO1 will be able to do its first terrestrial crown program! I hope this show will help me to try a lot of different things and grow myself. And I will do my best to make the audience enjoy themselves! Anyway, so that JO1's first terrestrial program can be successful, I want to enjoy it with all the members, thank the staff, and thank JAM! Everyone, please wait! *" KAWASHIRI REN "First of all, I'm so happy to be doing JO1's crown TV show! At this time, we have had a meeting and the shooting has not started yet, but I am already looking forward to it! I hope it will be a show that conveys our fascination with tressugi, while giving cheer and courage to viewers! I want to work with the members and staff to make it a great show! Please watch!" KAWANISHI TAKUMI "How do you do, KAWANISHI TAKUMI? I was very surprised when I heard for the first time that I was going to do my first terrestrial crown program.I felt a little uneasy, wondering if there was anything we could do, but I'm very happy. I really appreciate the opportunity to let people who don't know us JO1 know about this show. I also hope to be able to show more of JO1 to people who know it. We owe it to the fans and staff who support us that we can be active like this, and we are truly grateful. I hope you enjoy it a lot. Thank you for your continued support for JO1. "Hello everyone, I'm KIMATA SYOYA from JO1!! Great news! Our first ever crown program, Tresugi JO1, is set to air!! To be honest, I haven't really realized that we have a crown program yet, but I hope we can make fun and interesting programs with our members and staff!! Stay tuned! (deg. deg.)" SYOYA KIMATA "The first terrestrial crown program for us JO1 is "decided"!! I was very surprised when I heard that .... I can't believe new people like us can already have a crown TV show .... I was once again moved with gratitude to JAM who loves JO1 and the staff who support and love us to meet their enthusiasm. Thank you for your support as always!! This time, the members seem to be planning to sweat a lot!! Stay tuned!" KINJO SUKAI JUNKI KONO "I'm really glad to have such a great opportunity because this is my first terrestrial crown program on JO1. The theme of JO1 is to challenge various things this year, and I think this will be a big first step. It would be great if the members could join forces with each other and sometimes compete with each other and get to know the different sides. I'll do my best. Thank you and best regards," KEIGO SATO "It feels like a dream to be able to do our own show and I'm really happy. I definitely want it to be the best show. I haven't studied school in a long time, maybe I've studied to entertain people, so I'll do my best not to drag everyone down. I wish I could grow up with more and more body and wear and tear! And I want to play with the members and knock them down.Especially Junki-kun "- SHIROIWA RUKI "I am very happy to be able to do my first terrestrial crown program, Tresugi JO1. Thank you for your daily support and support. By giving me this opportunity, I can give everyone back as much gratitude as possible, so I will do my best to make this a fun program to watch. I am also grateful to the many people who created this opportunity. I still have a long way to go, so through this program, I want to try many things to make more people aware of it and continue to try it with more people. I look forward to working with you in the future." - TSURUBO SHION "Good morning. Hello. Good evening. Good night. I'm TSURUBO SHION from JO1. I'm really happy that our special program will be broadcast on Fuji TV this time. Thank you very much for giving us, who are only in their second year of debut, the opportunity to experience so much. I'll do my best. (Runaway)" - MAMEHARA ISSEI "I didn't expect to have a terrestrial crown program so soon after I debuted as JO1, so I'm so happy! But I'm not very good at variety shows, so I'm really nervous right now (laughs). But I'm going to put out a new self and make something interesting with 11 people and keep working hard, so thank you! If you have any advice, please let me know!" - YONASHIRO SHO" I'm really happy that this is the first terrestrial crown program for us JO1. It's like a dream that we, who have only recently debuted, could get a crown program .... It is thanks to everyone at JAM who always supports us that we are able to do our first crown program on terrestrial television. People who watch want to see it again!! I want to make it a program that people think!! Thank you!"< Title >" Tresugi JO1 "< Date and Time > Friday, March 26 24:55 to 25:55 < Performers > JO1 (OHIRA SHOSEI, KAWASHIRI REN, KAWANISHI TAKUMI, KIMATA SYOYA, KINJO SUKAI, KONO JUNKI, SATO KEIGO, SHIROIWA RUKI, TSURUBO SHION, MAMEHARA ISSEI, YONASHIRO SHO) and others < Program Twitter >' data-wovn-src:-original-content='3月26日(金)24時55分より、バラエティー特番『トレスギ JO1』の放送が決定いたしました。 JO1にとっては今回が初の地上波冠番組となります。 この番組では、グローバルボーイズグループ・JO1 が“世界に通用するインパクトパフォーマンス”、すなわち多くの人の記憶に残るような強烈なパフォーマンスの習得を目指していきます。 この“インパクトパフォーマンス”をメンバーそれぞれが事前に特訓・習得し、収録スタジオに集まったJO1メンバーや芸能人審査員の前で一人ずつパフォーマンスを披露する予定です。 JO1メンバー11人によるこん身の“インパクトパフォーマンス”が<撮れすぎてしまい、放送時間が足りない>という事態が強く予想されるため、全員分のパフォーマンスすべてをオンエアすることが不可能に!!JO1 メンバー同士による、地上波オンエア枠を賭けた壮絶な戦いが繰り広げられる! 放送後には撮れすぎてしまった未公開映像をTVerおよびFOD限定で配信いたします。 『トレスギ JO1』にぜひご注目ください。 収録を控え番組側と打ち合わせ真っただ中のJO1メンバーからのコメントはこちら ●大平祥生 「今回、JO1 が初の地上波での冠番組をさせていただけるということで、まずは素直にうれしい気持ちでいっぱいです! この番組をきっかけに、たくさん色々なことに挑戦して自分自身が成長していけたらいいなと思っています。そして視聴者の方々に楽しんでいただけるように全力で自分自身も楽しんでいきたいと思います!とにかく JO1 初の地上波番組が成功できるように、メンバー皆と楽しんで、スタッフさんに感謝しながら、JAM に感謝しながら、楽しんでいきたいです! 皆、待っててね~!★」 ●川尻蓮 「まず、JO1 の冠番組をさせていただけること、本当にうれしく思います! 今回、まだ打ち合わせをした段階で、撮影自体は始まっていないのですが、すでにかなり楽しみです!トレスギてしまう僕たちの魅力を伝えながら、見ている人たちに元気と勇気を与えられるような番組になればいいなと思っています!素敵な番組になるよう、メンバー、スタッフのみなさんと協力していきたいです!是非、ご視聴ください!」 ●川西拓実 「初めまして、川西拓実です。 初めての地上波冠番組をやらせてもらうということで、初めて聞いた時はとてもおどろきました。僕たちにできることはあるのかなと少し不安な気持ちもありましたけど、とてもうれしい気持ちです。今回の番組で僕たち JO1 のことを知らない方にも知ってもらえる機会をいただけて本当に感謝しています。 また、JO1 を知ってくれている方にももっといろんな姿をお見せできるようになればと思います。僕たちがこのように活動できるのは、応援してくださっているファンの皆さんや、スタッフの皆様のおかげだと思い、心から感謝しています。たくさん楽しんでいただけるとうれしいです。 これからも JO1 をよろしくお願いします」 ●木全翔也 「みなさんこんにちは、JO1 の木全翔也です!! うれしいニュースです!僕らの初めての冠番組『トレスギ JO1』の放送が決定しました!! 正直まだ自分たちが冠番組を持つということに実感は湧いていませんが、メンバーやスタッフの皆さんと楽しく面白い番組を作っていけたらと思っています!!お楽しみに!( ° ʖ °)」 ●金城碧海 「僕たちJO1 の初の地上波冠番組が「決定」しました!!…と聞いたときはすごくビックリしました。 僕たちみたいな新人がもう冠番組を持てるなんて…。JO1 を愛してくれるJAM とその熱意に応えるように僕たちをサポートして愛してくれるスタッフの方々のおかげだと、改めて感謝の気持ちで感動しました。いつも応援ありがとうございます!! 今回は、メンバーが汗をいっぱいかく企画らしいです!!乞うご期待!」 ●河野純喜 「初めての JO1 での地上波冠番組ということで、とても素晴らしい機会をいただき本当にうれしく思います。 今年一年、さまざまなことに挑戦していくというテーマを JO1 として掲げていて、その大きな第一歩になるなと思っています。 メンバー同士で力を合わせたり、時には勝負したり、さまざまな一面を知っていただけたらうれしいです。一生懸命頑張ります。よろしくお願いします」 ●佐藤景瑚 「自分たちの番組ができるなんて夢のようで本当にうれしいです。絶対に最高の番組にしたいと思います。 ずっと学校の勉強はしてこなかったぶん、人を楽しませる勉強はしてきたので、みんなの足を引っ張らないよう頑張りたいと思います。どんどん体を張ってボロボロになって成長していけたらいいなと思います! そしてメンバーをいじり倒していきたいと思います。とくにじゅんきくん」 ●白岩瑠姫 「このたび、初めての地上波冠番組『トレスギ JO1』をやらせていただけるということでとてもうれしく思います。 日頃から応援してくださり、支えてくれてありがとうございます。 こういう機会を与えてくださることで、少しでも多くの感謝をみんなに返していけるので、絶対に見ていて楽しい番組に出来るように最善を尽くして頑張っていきたいと思います。 この機会を作ってくれたたくさんの方々にも感謝です。 僕自身もまだまだなので、この番組を通していろんなことに挑戦して、もっといろんな方に知っていただき、もっと多くの方と一緒に挑戦し続けていきたいと思います。 これからもずっとよろしくお願いしますね」 ●鶴房汐恩 「おはようございます。 こんにちは。こんばんは。 おやすみなさい。 JO1 の鶴房汐恩です。 今回、フジテレビさんで僕たちの特番が放送されるということで本当に心からうれしい気持ちでいっぱいです。まだデビュー2年目の僕たちにこのようにいろいろ経験させていただける場を作っていただき、誠にありがとうございます。 精一杯、頑張ります。(暴走)」 ●豆原一成 「JO1 としてデビューしてからこんなにも早く地上波冠番組を持つことができるとは思っていなかったので、すごくうれしい気持ちです! でも僕はバラエティー番組があんまり得意ではないので、すごく今から緊張しています(笑)。 ですが、新しい自分を出して 11 人で面白いものを作って頑張っていこうと思っていますので、よろしくお願いします! 何かアドバイスがあればなんでも言ってください!」 ●與那城奨 「僕たちJO1 の初の地上波冠番組ということで、本当にうれしく思っています。 デビューしてまだ浅い僕たちがまさか冠番組をもらえるなんて…まるで夢のようです。こうやって地上波で初の冠番組をやらせていただけるのも、僕たちをいつも支えてくれる JAM のみんなのおかげです。 見てくれる人たちがもう一度見たい!!と思ってくれるような番組にしていきたいと思います!!よろしくお願いします!!」 <タイトル> 『トレスギJO1』 <放送日時> 3月26日(金)24時55分〜25時55分 <出演者> JO1(大平祥生、川尻 蓮、川西拓実、木全翔也、金城碧海、河野純喜、佐藤景瑚、白岩瑠姫、鶴房汐恩、豆原一成、與那城 奨)ほか <番組Twitter>'> JO1's first terrestrial wave crown program "Tresgi JO1" will be broadcast from 24:55 on Friday, March 26! |JO1 OFFICIAL SITE

JO1's first terrestrial wave crown program "Tresgi JO1" will be broadcast from 24:55 on Friday, March 26!



From 24:55 on March 26th (Friday), the special variety program "Tresgi JO1" will be broadcast.

This will be the first terrestrial broadcast program for JO1.

In this program, the global boy group JO1 aims to acquire “world-class impact performance”, that is, an intense performance that will remain in the memory of many people.

Each member will undergo special training and learn this “impact performance” in advance, and will perform one by one in front of the JO1 members and celebrity judges who have gathered at the recording studio.

Since it is strongly expected that the 11 JO1 members' "impact performance" will be <too much shot and not enough time to broadcast>, it will be impossible to air all the performances for all members! ! A fierce battle between JO1 members will be held for the terrestrial on-air slot!

After the broadcast, we will deliver unreleased footage that has been taken too much only for TVer and FOD.

Please pay attention to “Tresgi JO1”.

Click here for comments from JO1 members who are in the middle of a meeting with the program ahead of recording


"First of all, I'm honestly happy that JO1 will be able to do the first terrestrial crown program this time!

With this program as a trigger, I hope that I will be able to grow myself by trying many different things. And I would like to do my best to enjoy myself so that the viewers can enjoy it! Anyway, in order for JO1's first terrestrial TV program to be a success, I want to have fun with all the members, thank the staff, thank JAM, and have fun!

Everyone, please wait! ★”


"First of all, I'm really happy to be able to do the crown program of JO1!

This time, we are still at the stage of having a meeting, and the shooting itself has not started yet, but I am already looking forward to it! I hope that it will be a program that conveys the charm of us who are in awe and gives energy and courage to the viewers! I want to cooperate with the members and staff so that it will be a wonderful program! Please watch it! ”


"Nice to meet you, I'm KAWANISHI TAKUMI.

I was very surprised when I first heard that it was my first terrestrial broadcast program. I was a little worried that there was something we could do, but I am very happy. I am truly grateful that this program gave me the opportunity to let people who don't know about JO1 know about us. Also, I hope that we will be able to show more of JO1 to those who know us. We are able to do activities like this thanks to all the fans who support us and all the staff, and we are truly grateful. I hope you enjoy it a lot.

Please continue to support JO1.”


"Hello everyone, I'm KIMATA SYOYA from JO1!!

Good news! Our first crowned program "Tresgi JO1" has been decided to be broadcast! !

To be honest, we haven't really felt that we have a program yet, but I hope we can create a fun and interesting program together with the members and staff! ! looking forward to! (°ʖ°)”


“Our JO1’s first terrestrial TV program has been decided! ! I was very surprised when I heard... A newcomer like us can already have a crown program... Thanks to JAM, who loves JO1, and the staff who support and love us in response to their enthusiasm, I was moved with gratitude again. Thank you for your continued support! !

This time, it seems that the members are planning to sweat a lot! ! stay tuned! ”


“I am very happy to have such a wonderful opportunity as it is the first terrestrial broadcast program in JO1.

The theme of JO1 is to challenge various things this year, and I think it will be a big first step.

I would be happy if the members could work together, sometimes compete, and learn about various aspects. I will do my best. thank you"


"I'm really happy to be able to do our own program, it's like a dream.

I haven't been studying at school for a long time, but I've been studying to entertain people, so I'd like to do my best not to drag everyone down. I think it would be great if I could stretch my body more and more and become worn out and grow!

And I would like to mess around with the members. Especially Junki-kun."


“I am very happy to be able to do my first terrestrial TV program, Tresugi JO1.

Thank you for always supporting me and supporting me.

By giving me this opportunity, I can return as much gratitude as possible to everyone, so I would like to do my best and do my best to make it a program that is absolutely fun to watch.

Thank you to the many people who made this opportunity possible.

I myself still have a long way to go, so I would like to challenge various things through this program, let more people know about me, and continue to challenge with more people.

Thank you for your continued support.”


"Good morning. Hello. Good evening. Good night.

This is TSURUBO SHION from JO1.

This time, I am really happy that our special program will be broadcast on Fuji TV. Thank you very much for creating a place where we can experience various things like this for us, who are still in our second year of debut.

I will try my best. (runaway)”


"Since I debuted as JO1, I didn't think that I would be able to have a terrestrial TV program so quickly, so I'm very happy!

But I'm not very good at variety shows, so I'm really nervous now (laughs).

However, I'm thinking of putting out a new me and working hard to create something interesting with the 11 members, so please support me!

Let me know if you have any advice! ”


"I'm really happy that it's JO1's first terrestrial TV program.

It's like a dream for us, who have only debuted so little, to get the crown program. Thanks to everyone at JAM, who always supports us, we are able to do our first terrestrial program like this. People who watch want to see it again! ! I would like to make a program that will make you think! ! thank you! ! ”


"Tresgi JO1"

<Broadcast date and time>

Friday, March 26, 24:55-25:55



<Program Twitter>