You can continue to use "docomo payment" with the new docomo billing plan "ahamo". Therefore, even if customers currently using "docomo payment" to register for this site change to "ahamo", their payment registration will continue and they will be able to continue using the site. However, there are many uncertainties regarding the service content of "ahamo" at this time, and there is a possibility that it will be changed in the future. Thank you for your understanding. *We will inform you separately when there is a change. Note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with DOCOMO's new billing plan "ahamo." If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page. You can continue to use "au Simple Payment" with the new au billing plan "povo". Therefore, even if customers who are currently using "au Easy Payment" to register for this site change to "povo", their payment registration will continue and they will be able to continue using the site. However, there are many uncertainties regarding the service contents of "povo" at this time, and there is a possibility that changes will be made in the future. Thank you for your understanding. *We will inform you separately when there is a change. Note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with the new au billing plan "povo." If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page. LINE and SoftBank's new brand "LINEMO" are scheduled to start offering "SoftBank Collective Payment" from mid-April 2021. However, if you migrate from "SoftBank" to "LINEMO", your carrier contract will change, and all recurring billing registrations for "SoftBank Collective Payment" will be cancelled. Therefore, if a customer currently using "SoftBank Collective Payment" to register for this site changes to "LINEMO", the payment of the monthly usage fee will stop and this site will automatically withdraw. increase. If you change to "LINEMO", please change to another payment method or course in advance. Also, please note that "SoftBank Collective Payment" will not be available on "LINEMO" until mid-April 2021. Please note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with LINE and SoftBank's new brand LINEMO. If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.' data-wovn-src:-original-content='日頃よりJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。2021年3月より提供開始予定のNTTドコモの新料金プラン「ahamo」、auの新料金プラン「povo」、およびLINEとSoftBankの新ブランド「LINEMO」へのご変更をご検討されているお客様へお知らせです。これらの新料金プラン・新ブランドへご変更される方、およびご検討されている方は必ずご一読いただきますようお願いいたします。<docomoをご利用の方>ドコモ新料金プラン「ahamo」では「ドコモ払い」を引き続きご利用いただけます。そのため、現在当サイトのご登録に「ドコモ払い」をご利用されているお客様が「ahamo」にご変更された場合でも、決済登録は継続し、引き続きサイトをご利用いただけます。ただし、「ahamo」のサービス内容については現時点で未確定な点が多く、今後、ご変更となる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。※ご変更時には、別途ご案内させていただきます。なお、ドコモ新料金プラン「ahamo」ではキャリアメールアドレス(をご利用いただくことができません。キャリアメールアドレスで当サイトにご登録の場合、メールマガジン等サイトからのお知らせが届かなくなりますので、マイページよりメールアドレスの変更をお願いいたします。<auをご利用の方>au新料金プラン「povo」では「auかんたん決済」を引き続きご利用いただけます。そのため、現在当サイトのご登録に「auかんたん決済」をご利用されているお客様が「povo」にご変更された場合でも、決済登録は継続し、引き続きサイトをご利用いただけます。ただし、「povo」のサービス内容については現時点で未確定な点が多く、今後、ご変更となる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。※ご変更時には、別途ご案内させていただきます。なお、au新料金プラン「povo」ではキャリアメールアドレス(をご利用いただくことができません。キャリアメールアドレスで当サイトにご登録の場合、メールマガジン等サイトからのお知らせが届かなくなりますので、マイページよりメールアドレスの変更をお願いいたします。<SoftBankをご利用の方>LINEとSoftBankの新ブランド「LINEMO」では、2021年4月中旬より「ソフトバンクまとめて支払い」の提供が開始される予定となっております。しかし、「SoftBank」から「LINEMO」へ移行されますと、キャリア契約に変更が生じ、「ソフトバンクまとめて支払い」の継続課金登録はすべて解約されます。そのため、現在当サイトのご登録に「ソフトバンクまとめて支払い」をご利用されているお客様が「LINEMO」へご変更されますと、月額利用料金の決済が停止し、当サイトは自動的に退会となります。「LINEMO」ご変更される場合は、事前にほかの決済方法またはコースへのご変更をお願いいたします。また、2021年4月中旬まで、「LINEMO」では「ソフトバンクまとめて支払い」をご利用いただけませんのでご注意ください。なお、LINEとSoftBankの新ブランド「LINEMO」ではキャリアメールアドレス(をご利用いただくことができません。キャリアメールアドレスで当サイトにご登録の場合、メールマガジン等サイトからのお知らせが届かなくなりますので、マイページよりメールアドレスの変更をお願いいたします。ご利用されている皆様にはご不便をおかけいたしますが、何卒宜しくお願い致します。'> [Important] For customers considering new rate plans for 3 carriers | JO1 OFFICIAL SITE

[Important] For customers who are considering new rate plans for 3 carriers



Thank you for using JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB.

To customers who are considering changing to NTT Docomo's new rate plan "ahamo", au's new rate plan "povo", and LINE and SoftBank's new brand "LINEMO" scheduled to be offered from March 2021. Notice.

Those who are considering changing to these new price plans or new brands, or those who are considering it, please be sure to read this.

<docomo users>

With DOCOMO's new billing plan "ahamo", you can continue to use "DOCOMO Payment".

Therefore, even if customers currently using "docomo payment" to register for this site change to "ahamo", their payment registration will continue and they will be able to continue using the site.

However, there are many uncertainties regarding the service content of "ahamo" at this time, and there is a possibility that it will be changed in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.

*We will inform you separately when there is a change.

Note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with DOCOMO's new billing plan "ahamo."

If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page.

<For au users>

You can continue to use "au Simple Payment" with the new au billing plan "povo".

Therefore, even if customers who are currently using "au Easy Payment" to register for this site change to "povo", their payment registration will continue and they will be able to continue using the site.

However, there are many uncertainties regarding the service contents of "povo" at this time, and there is a possibility that changes will be made in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.

*We will inform you separately when there is a change.

Note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with the new au billing plan "povo."

If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page.

<SoftBank users>

LINE and SoftBank's new brand "LINEMO" will start offering "SoftBank Collective Payment" from mid-April 2021.

However, if you migrate from "SoftBank" to "LINEMO", your carrier contract will change, and all recurring billing registrations for "SoftBank Collective Payment" will be cancelled.

Therefore, if a customer currently using "SoftBank Collective Payment" to register for this site changes to "LINEMO", the payment of the monthly usage fee will stop and this site will automatically withdraw. increase.

If you change to "LINEMO", please change to another payment method or course in advance.

Also, please note that "SoftBank Collective Payment" will not be available on "LINEMO" until mid-April 2021.

Please note that carrier email addresses ( cannot be used with LINE and SoftBank's new brand LINEMO.

If you register on this site with a career email address, you will not receive notifications from the site such as email magazines, so please change your email address from My Page.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.