Announcement of details of fan club events for "2024 JO1 "JAM Thanksgiving" ~SUMMER FESTIVAL~"!



『2024 JO1 “JAM感謝祭” ~SUMMER FESTIVAL~』会場のJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースにて実施するFANCLUB & JO1 Mail W会員抽選会【JAM SUMMER ジャンボ】詳細が決定いたしました!







FANCLUB & JO1 Mail W会員抽選会【JAM SUMMER ジャンボ】

JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB、JO1 Mail両方に加入していただいているW会員の方を対象にJO1メンバーお見送り会が当たる!抽選会を行います(チケットをお持ちでない方もご参加いただけます)。

All participants will receive an “original trading card (randomly selected from 11 types)”!

■A賞 【JAM FESTIVAL賞】:「Thank you!JO1」 


■B賞 【JAM LOVE賞】:「サイン入りチェキ」※ランダムでお渡し

JO1メンバーの“ソロ撮り下ろしサイン入りチェキ” / 各公演あたり各メンバー絵柄1枚 計11名様

■参加賞 【Thanks JAM賞】:「オリジナルトレカ(11種類のうちから1種類ランダム)」

"way to participate"

On the day of the event, access the POP QR code posted at the venue and present the redemption page at the JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB booth.

《Booth location and lottery date》


2024年7月27日(土) 10:00~16:30予定 

2024年7月28日(日) 9:30~14:30予定

*Schedule may change without notice. Please check the information on the day of each performance.



*The event is scheduled to end 30 minutes before the performance starts.

* The lottery will be held once a day and you can exchange one original trading card per day.

*Original trading cards will be randomly distributed. Please note.

*If any actions such as reselling any of the bonus items are detected, the project itself may be canceled.

* Those who joined on the day are also eligible.

*Please note that you will not be a W member if you have registered JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB and JO1 Mail with different Plus member ID (email addresses). See here for details.

※JO1 Mailは、2023年7月25日18時(JST)より海外住所での登録ができるように仕様変更されました (詳しくはこちら)。

仕様変更後は、異なるPlus member ID(メールアドレス)でJO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB、JO1 Mailを登録されていたお客様につきましては、 JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBと同じIDでJO1 Mailに登録可能となります。 



*It is possible to switch so that you can use all services with one Plus member ID (email address), but it may not be possible to respond depending on the application status and possession status of electronic tickets, and the timing of your inquiry. increase. Please check with plenty of time.

※JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースの位置については当日、会場の案内をご確認ください。

* It will end as soon as the planned number of distributions is reached. note that.

■“Thank you!JO1”概要■


*There will be no contact with JO1 members, autographs, or commemorative photos at this event. Also, please note that you cannot receive gifts.

<Thank you!JO1に関する注意事項>


※当イベントは「2024 JO1 “JAM感謝祭” ~SUMMER FESTIVAL~」各公演終演後の実施となります。お子様が未成年の場合は当地域の条例に従って、保護者の方の同意のもとご参加いただきますようお願いいたします。



※Thank you!JO1の実施時間をご確認の上、抽選会にご参加ください。

※集合時間に遅れた場合には、Thank you!JO1にご参加いただけないことがございます。その場合は、当選無効となりますのでご注意ください。

※当日、Thank you!JO1へのご招待人数は変更となる可能性がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。





※Thank you!JO1参加権利の転売行為、コピー、偽造は固く禁止します。転売等によって入手した券は無効とします。

※Thank you!JO1の参加権利は、当選日にのみ有効となります。他の日程での使用はできません。

※Thank you!JO1は当選されたご本人様のみの参加となります。いかなる場合においても同伴者の参加はできかねます。


※Thank you for your understanding. We may take photos of JO1 on the day.

*Winners are strictly prohibited from recording, filming, or taking pictures with mobile phones, video cameras, etc. Thank you! Please note that you will be asked to turn off your mobile phones before the start of JO1.

*In order to ensure the safety of our customers and artists, we may conduct security inspections and temporary storage of baggage.

*Please follow the instructions of the staff on the day. If you do not follow the instructions, we may refuse your participation or, if necessary, cancel the event.







*Please note that depending on the spread of COVID-19, we may change the information and ask you to wear a mask and take your temperature beforehand when holding Thank you! JO1.


If you have a photo of your face, please bring one. This includes:

*Copying is not allowed for all items. Please bring the actual item within the expiration date.

(1) Passport

(2) Driver's License/International Driver's License

(3) Official license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)

(4) Basic Resident Registration Card

(5) Disability certificate

(6) My number card (Notification card is not acceptable)

(7) Mental Disability Health and Welfare Handbook

(8) Insurance card with photo

(9) Student ID card with photo

(10) Rehabilitation notebook





In addition, in the case of identity verification, we do not look at the back side of personal number card (my number card).

* Individual Number (My Number) notification cards (paper cards with your Individual Number printed on them but without a photo) cannot be used as identification.

*Please note that student ID cards for those over the age of 19 will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.

*If you do not have a student ID/insurance card with a photo, please see <If you do not have one with a photo>.

*Please note that photocopied/handwritten/expired/unusable documents will not be accepted for identity verification documents.


*If you do not have a photo ID*

Please bring 2 official certificates

Official certificate

>>Health insurance card, resident card, copy of family register, extract of family register, seal registration certificate, pension handbook

*Please keep all official certificates in the same state as they were officially issued.

In addition, resident cards, certified copies of family registers, and extracts of family registers will be valid within six months of issuance.


Please bring one official certificate and at least one document with your name printed on it.

printed with name

>>Employee ID, student ID without photo, credit card, cash card

*You cannot enter with only one official ID.

*Utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various postal items will be invalid even if your name is printed on them.



Copies of the above, handwritten ones, expired ones, various point cards,

Utility bills for electricity, water, gas, etc., and various postal items

*Lending and borrowing health insurance cards is prohibited by law.


▼Inquiry form

*We cannot reply to all inquiries. Thank you for your understanding.

*Depending on the content of the inquiry, it may take several days to reply.

*Business hours: 11:00-18:00 (excluding weekends and holidays)